How to avoid the common mistakes done during creating websites?

These days everyone has a website, from small to large corporate or big. People are short on time, so they want to do everything easily. Whether doing some work at home or shopping online, website has become an important part of our life in this era. Even people are using mobile applications and digital marketing very fast to increase business. Our country is moving towards Digital India and the most basic thing in this is website development which is also used to exchange information from mobile application or ID to software. Today it is easy to create a website, but when making a website, many things happen in which you make mistakes, which causes problems in front of you. If your business has a website or you want to do business through it or want to use the website for any positive purpose, then you must keep some things in mind. Know about them- Excessive images: Images on the website attract users, but when there are more images and animation o...