Corona Virus Disease symptoms and precautionary steps

Corona outbreaks are increasing all over the world. The symptoms of corona virus are similar to common cold.  Common symptoms are cough, fever and difficulty in breathing.

The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to the common cold.  Because of this people are having difficulty in identifying this epidemic.

Although the corona virus has been wreaking havoc all over the world for many months, but scientists have now told how the symptoms of corona virus emerge by the days and when they start appearing completely in the patient's body.

Recently, a study was conducted on few 100 patients at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University in which some specific symptoms were identified.

The study found that about 99 percent of the patients had very high body temperature while more than half of the people had fatigue and dry cough.  At the same time, one third of the people were having muscle pain and difficulty in breathing.

The disease can be divided into two main stages - the first phase, which usually lasts for seven days and the second phase, which lasts for two more weeks.

It is a matter of relief that 85 percent of patients experience only the first stage of the corona virus.  While one in seven patients undergo symptoms for a full three weeks.

According to the doctors here, we are giving the symptoms of corona virus according to the days, as well as what you should do on the appearance of these symptoms.

First day-
Most patients infected with the virus have fever before.  Apart from this, fatigue, muscle aches and dry cough can also occur.  Some people may also experience vomiting or diarrhea for one or two days.

Second day-
On the second day you will feel very tired and you will feel helpless to do anything.

Seventh day-
On the seventh day, by the end of the first phase, these symptoms start decreasing in 85 percent of the patients.  If you live alone and your fever has been cured as well as you are feeling better then you can return to your work.
If you live with others, then you should remain in isolation for seven more days so that your infection does not reach others.  However, by the seventh day, if you start having problems in breathing, then you are among those patients who have entered the second phase of this disease.  At this stage some patients may feel the need for hospitalization.

Seventeenth day-
Usually around the 17th day
patient dies of corona virus, although it is important to note that the death toll at this stage is still one to two percent.

By the 21st day-
Severe corona virus cases can also come under control and you can return to your work.

How you can prevent yourself from virus-:

  • Repeatly wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Masks can be used.
  • Use sanitizer timely if you are out from home.
  • Use tissues to maintain distances from things.
  • Throw away the used tissue and your wash hands.
  • If you don't have one, use your arm.
  • Do not touch your eyes nose and mouth with hands without washing them.
  • Avoid getting close to a sick person.

Steps to follow if you are feeling sick-:

  • Avoid going to the doctor pharmacy or hospital.
  • Get information by phone or online from the health worker in your area.
  • You may be advised to keep yourself away from others.
  • Information about you can be sent to local health teams.
  • You be investigated for COVID-19 virus.
  • Doctors and nurses will give you information about what to do if needed.


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