How To Get Rid Of Porn-Addiction

Are you addicted to Pornography? Yes being the answer is not at all shocking. After all, Sex is an immense part of human nature. Still such things are meant to be done in reality, not with the pixels. Here this post is all about how to get rid of Porn-addiction. The stats we are presenting below are shocking.

The stats on Internet Pornography.


  1. 12% of the websites on the internet are pornographic i.e., more than 2 Crores + Pornographic sites. That's really weird.

  2. Every second, 2 lakh + INR is being spent on Pornography and 28k+ Internet users are viewing porn.

  3. 1 out of 3 Porn viewers are Women.

  4. Most shocking of all - There are more than 1lakh+ searches for "Child Pornography" everyday.

  5. The average age at which a child First sees porn online is 11.

  6. On an average a Porn site visit time duration is 6 mins and 30 secs.

  7. For more stats, check out the picture on the right.
  • Source -

Signs of Porn Addiction

  1. You are unable to stop using porn or the behaviours associated with porn, despite attempts to do so.

  2. Become angry, hostile or irritable if you are asked to stop using porn.

  3. You keep all or part of your porn use secret from loved ones.

  4. You feel as though you live a double or secret life because of your porn use.

  5. You continue to view porn despite negative consequences, such as broken relationships or job loss.

  6. You have lost track of large chunks of time because you've been absorbed in porn use. 

EFFECTS of  Porn Addiction

Because porn addiction is often a private behavior that is carried out secretly or in isolation, it may seem like there are limited negative effects. After all, there are no other people involved, just the addict and his or her computer, videos or photos. But the negative effects of a porn addiction can be very similar to those found with any other type of addiction. It is best to seek professional medical help at a pornography addiction treatment center so that all of the problems that accompany your addiction can be addressed or resolved. If left untreated, pornography addiction can result in negative effects, which may include:
  • Broken or troubled intimate relationships
  • Feelings of shame and/or guilt
  • Problems with work or school and/or job loss
  • Financial troubles
  • Legal problems
  • Divorce
  • High risk of engaging in dangerous or unhealthy sexual activity, with an increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases

How to Get Rid of Porn Addiction

Getting away from addiction of of anything is not at all easy. But if we are determined, we can achieve anything whether easy or hard. 
  1. Go to the Source -When do you watch porn? Where do you watch porn? How do you watch porn? And most importantly why do you watch porn? Becoming aware of the answers to these questions will be your most powerful tool in changing your habits which is necessary to quit porn.

  2. Cultivate a Mindset of Allowing Yourself to Fail -  Nobody learned to ride a bike right away. We try and fall but it's important to not beat yourself up over it or even quit rebooting. Dust yourself off, get on the bike and try it again. Use training wheels at the beginning. You'll get better over time until and one day you just ride the bike without thinking about it anymore.

  3. Build a New Foundation -   A lot of the time men dealing with pornography addiction have lives that are out of control across the board. This will often show up in issues like lack of proper diet, sleep, and exercise and, importantly, the ability to have fun. Usually, the shame and pain are so strong that the addict hates himself or herself and treats themselves worse than they would treat a stray dog. A key step is to slowly rebuild balance in lifestyle areas such as overall health. It is also really important to rediscover how to have fun. Recovering addicts need to rediscover what brought them joy in life long ago and then go and do a load of that. It might be golf, fly-fishing, surfing or painting but whatever it is it must become non-negotiable. Men in general find it really hard to have fun as they get older. They think it might be selfish or immature. Until they learn to treat themselves as they would a beloved child then they will stay trapped. Have fun! It is not negotiable on the path to recovery.

  4. Cut-off your sources -  Remove temptation to watch more often than your goal allows. It can be helpful to limit or cut off your access to the majority of sources of pornography. Here are some more specific ideas to use depending on your personal viewing habits:

    • If you usually watch porn on DVDs, scratch them up with a pen or paperclip before throwing them away.
    • If you use magazines, tear out individual pages and put them through a paper shredder or recycle bin.
    • If you use the internet, try using a browser extension or other software that will help you limit the sites you can open. These Internet censors, like StayFocused or Net Nanny act the way parental controls do—slowly you can block websites altogether, should you choose to. They also monitor the time you spend on chosen sites.
    • If you use a PC, you can also block your frequently visited sites by editing your hosts file on a Windows system editing hosts file.

  5. Focus your attention elsewhere - Take up a new habit or hobby to replace the time you spend watching porn. If you let the time you would spend watching porn stay empty, it will be much harder to resist the temptation to watch. Try finding ways to fill the lulls in your life so that you no longer have time for porn. Adopt a hobby you've always wanted to take up, such as an art or team sport. You could also spend your time on self-improvement, whether it's reading, volunteering, or contributing to your life in some other way.
    • Another consideration for choosing an activity is something that you can talk a lot about. Do something that you're proud to tell your parents and friends about, like getting into shape or learning how to play a musical instrument.
    • If you don't drive, it can be helpful to get a bike or another form of transportation. This will give you freedom to leave the house and do things besides watching porn.

  6. Get HelpMaking it through a porn addiction on your own is an extremely difficult thing to do. Get involved in one of the great support communities that exist (NoFap on Reddit or Your Brain Rebalanced) and be an ACTIVE member. We strongly recommend is to post or comment at least once a day. The trick is that whenever you are getting triggered you immediately surround yourself with material that will keep you true to your goals (We suggest having a bookmark in your browser bar to your support site for easy access). For many people though, even with all of this they still can’t seem to shake their addiction and need additional support. Find a friend or family member who can help you work through the things holding you back! 

What is NoFap?

NoFap is a Porn-Recovery community. It help people to quit porn. It is a comprehensive community-based porn recovery website which offer all the tools to its users that are needed to connect with a supportive community of individuals determined to quit porn use and free themselves from compulsive sexual behaviours. With the website, forums, articles and apps, NoFap helps it's users overcome their sexual addictions so that they can heal from porn-induced sexual dysfunctions, improve their relationships, and ultimately live their most fulfilling lives.

We wish that you overcome porn-addiction and live a happy life.
AnyThing To EveryThing

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